Coming soon...
Two Labs Coffee is partnering with Hilltop Distillery in Goochland. Partnering on what, you ask? Stay tuned! We will update this post when the time comes... and it's coming soon!
Free Product Pickup Locations
Palmyra Area Customers: Order your favorite Two Labs Coffee online, and save shipping costs by picking up your order at Local Eats (74 Joshua Ln, Palmyra, by CVS). Stafford Area...
Please include a phone number where you can be reached in case we miss you at the fundraiser pick-up location.
Stafford Market Pre-Orders
Stafford customers: The Stafford market is continuing through the winter, on the 2nd Sunday of each month. We are working on adding an additional pick-up date each month for pre-orders. Stay tuned!
Creating new blends
Details about a new blend, coming soon!
Ramping Up
Off season activities and new offerings for the 2019 Market season.
Our Story
Born in 2018 out of a passion for really good coffee for everyday people, Two Labs Coffee focuses on small batch, specialty roasts for consistent, excellent coffee for our customers....
Happy Birthday to Us
It is official! After a few months of behind-the-scenes preparation, today is the day. We have joined the community as part of the Scottsville Farmer's Market and officially opened to...
And so it begins
It started with the idea that specialty coffee could just taste good and bring everyday people together. It didn't need pretense, or require knowledge of roasting curves (though that certainly...